About Jane Lim
Author Jane Lim
Jane Lim is a biochemist, economist, inventor and researcher of religions and sciences. Jane had also worked as a marketing manager as well as a business analyst in the Fortune companies before she authored four books in California.
In 2015 and 2019, Jane was invited to two radio shows in California for her first book, The Silent War Within: Biochemistry & Legal Research on Parasitic Fungi, which is the first volume of her book series, The Most Common, The Most Deadly.
In 2016, the Food And Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nation registered her first book, The Silent War Within with the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS). In 2016, Jane was invited by medical doctors to the Bio-Medical Engineering Society in London and a Biology Forum held in Italy. In 2016, a former director of NASA Ames Research Center, was connected to her through her discovery published in her first book.
In 2020, during COVID-19 pandemic, Jane invented an air purifier that can destroy nearly all pathogenic spores in the air and other 7 elements.
Due to the urgency of the subject-matter of COVID-19 pandemic and WW3, Jane prioritized her book series 2, Directors of COVID-19 Pandemic & WW3 over the second volume, The Architectural Reform: Architectural Designs & Research on Pathogen-Free Buildings (2023) and the third volume, The Body Of Electrons: Bioelectrical Research on Humans & Parasitic Pathogen (2026).
Dr. Jack Kruse, Dr. Darren Schmidt, and Dr. Jack Thrasher have cited or used her book for their patients with infections or autoimmune diseases. Some of the examples were shared on YouTube Channels of this site.