Why Do You Trust Politicians
Who Use Hand Signs For Baphomet?

By Jane Lim | Updated on January 25, 2025 | Posted on August 9, 2024

Why Do You Trust Politicians Who Secretly Communicate With Hidden Directors Using Hand Signs?

Macron’s Partnership With Trumps

President Emmanuel Macron of France is showing the hand sign of Baphomet horns in the photo above.  The photo confirms the partnership between Trumps and Macron.  Trumps intentionally made these fists to show Macron’s fingers behind their fists.  These are the same fingers that Prince Harry of the UK showed in his photo.  Prince Harry’s fingers are posing two horns outside his jacket.  A Freemason’s one hand is inside his jacket not pocket.  See also the photo of Pope Francis who does the same.

Since Freemasons had been Knights Templar (Magicians Of The Temple) who had worshipped Baphomet, Freemasons’ finger signs have everything to do with Baphomet.  Signs cannot lie while words can.  

At Marie-Helene de Rothschild’s Surrealist Ball, Rothschild was wearing a goat mask which also appears in The Simpsons where Mr. Burns is wearing a goat mask.  The same goat appears in I, Pet Goat II as you can see the left two goats in the image above.

Musk’s Partnership With Trump

In July, 2024, according to Trump, Trump teamed up with Elon Musk who reportedly agreed to donate monthly $45 million to Trump.  On July 23, 2024, Musk corrected Trump’s misinformation by stating that he does not subscribe to cult of personality meaning that a dictator like Stalin cannot enforce and magnify his power over Musk.  It could also mean that Musk does not worship a political or religious leader.

Musk's profile photo of his social media shows his Halloween costume of Baphomet.  His choice was perfect for October 13, Friday, which is the death day of Knights Templar who worshipped Baphomet.  Halloween day is the death day of military bankers who invented a credit payment system and Ponzi scheme even before 1307.  Musk’s Halloween costume matches with the purpose of PayPal and its original homepage of PayPal was X.com.  PayPal was presumably intended to cause death to bankers’ wealth.

Sam’s last name, Bankman-Fried matches with the purpose of Bitcoin which was presumably intended to cause death to bankers’ wealth, or to confiscate US dollars of bank account holders as soon as those account holders die during WW3.   If you pronounce Jewish name, Fried as fraid not as frid, the name reveals the purpose of Bitcoin.

However, what if these new payment methods were invested by the same entity?  Who becomes richer then?  Since Pope Benedict XVI was replaced with Pope Francis who was and is a Freemason, the Roman Catholic Church is revealing the fact that it created Marxism which was born through a Freemason, Karl Marx.  Likewise, credit cards were largely replaced with PayPal or may be replaced with Bitcoins of FTX whose biggest investors are bankers who created credit cards.

JPMorgan Chase is the hidden winners behind Bitcoin ETFs (January 30, 2024 Nasdaq.com). JPMorgan was named by BlackRock as one of its authorized participants for the iShares Bitcoin Trust.  This is one loophole of capitalism that allows the richer to take over everything in the end and to control the values of their investments.  Presidential candidates, who approve or support cryptocurrency investments, must not seek votes and donations from Bitcoin investors because the cryptocurrency speculation is the quickest way to kill the economy by the hyper-inflation that Bitcoins cause. 

Since Biden also teamed up with Ford, Musk needed a counterpart who can support his Tesla.  However, it is a crime for politicians to buy their electoral votes through billionaires.  Musk has 189 million followers on X.com.  Musk’s followers would automatically and blindly agree to his political opinions without thinking twice, which is the reason why Trump chose Musk as one of the most influential partners.  However, Trump dumped his loyal and righteous spokesperson, Michael Caputo after COVID-19 pandemic had begun, and Trump dumped a radio host, Alex Jones after Trump had been elected.

Trump was hinting that he could get 189 million votes plus monthly $45 million from a billionaire in order to gain more bargaining power over additional billionaires such as CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank or CEO of BlackRock.  Trump effectively drew attentions from more billionaire political investors who would need governmental contracts.  However, those investors may not know that they are driven to a trap that may lead them to a criminal court in the future.

If advanced technologies were determined as essential to your countries, without bribes, your governors must support the technologies for the benefits of citizens not for the benefits of your presidents.  Why would you pay to your presidents only to use a technology to make a call or turn on your lamps for example?

A donation of $90 million was offered to Trump by Miriam Adelson who wants Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank of Palestine (June 3, 2024, Haaretz).  Balfour Declaration is a statement of British support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.”  It was made by a letter between Arthur James Balfour and 2nd Baron Rothschild on November 2, 1917.   This declaration contradicted both Sykes-Picot Agreement (France-Britain) and Husayn-McMahon correspondence (British commissioner in Egypt) (May 7, 2024 Britannica.com).  The national home of Israel was agreed in 1917 likely under the condition that the British government receives a donation from Rothschild. 

On August 2, 2024, Trump was also headlined again for the possibility of taking a $10 million bribe from President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt in 2017.  The agreements between “Israel and the US (Abraham Accord)” and between “Egypt and the US” sound similar to Balfour Declaration in 1917.  Egyptians are not friends of Israeli.  Considering the fact that Balfour Declaration caused upheaval to Palestinians, you can imagine what could happen to either Egypt or Israel if Egypt or Israel did not bribe Trump in 2017 and do not bribe again in 2024.  If gangsters (big brothers) collect toll gate fees from public highway drivers, law enforcement officers would arrest the gangsters.  What if your president interferes with a foreign country’s affair in order to ask for a bribe in the form of donation, who should penalize the act of your president?

Political donations are bribes since donors expect benefits (hidden deals) in return.  The legal definition of donation is a voluntary transfer of assets “without exchange of value.”  If Mark Zuckerberg has not received government benefits after Zuckerberg donated $400 million to the Democratic Party for 2020 election, the donation cannot be considered as a bribe.  Likewise, if Musk’s companies do not receive government benefits after he donates monthly $45 million to the Republic Party for 2024 election, the donation cannot be considered as a bribe.  However, donations always lay ground works for  hidden deals.  Why did your presidents and WHO accept all suggestions from Bill Gates in regard to COVID-19 pandemic in which Gates invested his money through his donations?

A businessman’s political partnership is similar to a case when a spouse bribed a judge or a minor’s counsel to prevail in a child custody battle.  How many parties should be penalized in this case?  The judge, the counsel, the spouse or all?

Trump’s Improper Call To RFK Jr.

It is quite timely thus threatening that the former President Donald J. Trump phoned RFK Jr. to ask for resignation of RFK Jr. from 2024 presidential election right after Trump exemplified an assassination attempt implying that it could happen to RFK Jr.

Voters started thinking that the gunshot may be a conspired show or a threat to RFK Jr. since Trump’s popularity skyrocketed as if Trump supporters were watching the case of the former President, Ronald Reagan and as if the media were waiting for the scene.  

As if all Roman citizens became murderous villains at once, Roman citizens did not mind voting for a judgment whether a stronger gladiator should kill a weaker gladiator for entertainment purpose.   Are you not being treated by the media as Roman citizens who were brainless voters?  Voters should mind buying the judgment rendered by the media that are sponsored or operated by the lord of money, the Ponzi scheme manager.  

You can assume that popularity votes can be purchased if Trump’s campaign managers learned how to buy social media “LIKE.”  If electoral votes can be purchased, popularity votes can be purchased too.  The Simpsons, showed a welcoming signage “PAID” behind Trump who was descending through an escalator.  How will you distinguish between “Paid and Unpaid Votes” or “Paid and Unpaid News”?

However, Trump’s popularity was short-lived. In fact, there has been no logical or legal basis to elect a politician if he had ever been shot.  Villains are also immensely brave enough to take a lifetime risk.  The examples are the patentees of COVID-19 and the patentees of its byproducts such as testing methods and vaccines.  Who expedited the production of COVID-19 vaccines for the benefits of the villain as a political partner?

Who Is The Actor In The Assassination Attempt?

A young Republican, Thomas Matthew Crooks, shot Trump, a former TV show actor in The Apprentice (2004) as well as the former President of the US.   This happened after Trump had said that he would decide the FRB’s interest rate if he is elected.  People may believe that Trump works against FRB shareholders.  However, it cannot be true.  During his tenure, Trump replaced a president of the World Bank with David Robert Malpass in 2019.   Trump needed not to decide an interest rate.  Trump simply appointed the president who can influence the decision about bank interest rates.  FRB shareholders are the biggest investors in the World Bank whose president represents the best interests of FRB shareholders.

It is not surprising that Trump said that he would nominate Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase for Treasury secretary.  According to The Telegraph on April 4, 2023, Dimon said, “Seize property to build wind and solar farms.”   “Chase and confiscate” through “Chase” bank is one reason why Trump was likely chosen by FRB shareholders for COVID-19 pandemic.  “Track and confiscate” through “Microsoft cryptocurrency” is likely one reason why Trump’s administration partnered with Bill Gates whose patent application for cryptocurrency was submitted in the perfect timing prior to COVID-19 pandemic.

By appointing Dimon, what does Trump get from Chase Bank?  Trump’s debt relief under the condition that your properties are confiscated through guaranteed foreclosures during another pandemic or WW3?  You cannot be fooled twice by the same entity for the same subject.  If the US can receive $90 million from Israel, and if Israel can gain the sovereignty by bribing a president, Bill Gates or Rothschilds can buy many countries across the world and become the King of kings.  This should be stopped at all costs.

Connections Between Trump’s VP Pick And The Vatican

JD Vance’s investment in gene therapy has something to do with Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine (May 5, 2021, The Columbus Dispatch).  It is not surprising that Trump teamed up with JD Vance.  Vaccines are convenient methods to inject DNA mutants in order to sell DNA repair services later.   Active ingredients of vaccines are pathogens which are DNA mutants.  Since the sales of COVID-19 vaccines were guaranteed by Trump’s vaccine promotion during his tenure, DNA repair service providers can expect guaranteed income now.  Will the rebates for DNA repair services be paid to him through Bitcoins?  You can open Chapter 2, p. 166 in Directors Of COVID-19 Pandemic & WW3, I-III to find "Ingredients Of Antibodies" and Chapter 9 in The Silent War Within: Biochemistry & Legal Research on Parasitic Fungi to find remedies for those who have been infected by vaccines.

Peter Thiel supports Vance and the Vatican supports Thiel whose PayPal Mafia (PayPal Mafia was cited from Fox Business, September 15, 2023) ousted Musk.  According to Financial Times on May 4, 2022, Thiel claims that he is creating a power shift by using blockchain technology and the Holy See (the Vatican) announced plans to issue non-fungible tokens on the blockchain.  Unlike physical currencies, the Vatican’s tokens are not fungible. This means that the Vatican is recalling the monetary commodity from the monetary market.  This also means that once US dollars were exchanged with the tokens and deposited into the Vatican bank, the tokens can not be traded with US dollars back, in other words, they cannot be cashed.  Therefore, non-fungible tokens prevent bankrun.  This policy is similar to the policy of the banks that shut down their doors to prevent bankrun.  Therefore, who is above banks and bank account holders?

Since the Roman Catholic Church is notorious for money laundering costing $63 billion per year and 95% of embezzlement within places of worship goes undiscovered or unreported  (FCA, June 11, 2024), the Vatican Bank may be one of the biggest Bitcoin investors as well.   Many priests have reportedly been arrested for money laundering for centuries.  If Jesuits have been hired as CIA agents (Satoshi Nakamoto means CIA in English), the chance is even higher.

Blockchain technology does not offer the promise of a decentralized world as Peter Thiel claims.  Blockchain technology allows the totalitarian control over its cryptocurrency since any type of electronic communications cannot bypass its server that maintains a master key and a backdoor.  If your computer can encode, it can decode.  Servers have master keys at all times.  If cloud users lose passwords, servers take over users' files including intellectual properties.  Likewise, through the master keys, if Bitcoin users lose passwords, servers take over their currencies which were traded with Bitcoins.  The question of blockchain technology is similar to the question of computer and phone technology. You take risks of losing or leaking your files and phone conversations when you use both computers and phones.

Find more discussions in my book, Directors of COVID-19 Pandemic & WW3 in regard to what cryptocurrency can do to your physical assets and tangible assets beyond your imagination and through vaccination.


The more debts for you, the more profits for bankers. Likewise, the more debts for you, the more incentives for presidents from bankers.  Trump increased the US debt by $7.8 trillion during his tenure.  Debts cause inflation which is a secret taxation.  

Axos Bank as well as its largest individual shareholder, Don Hankey have collectively extended more than $500 million in financing Trump (April 4, 2024, AP).  Whether his statement about the interest rate was true or not, Trump does not work against FRB shareholders because his hotel business shareholders are bankers and because Trump’s partnerships with bankers are pivotal to his private career.  This is a reason to vote for a presidential candidate who would not encounter a conflict of interests.

More seriously, if Trump is a Magician (MAGA) Of The Temple, whose specialty is loans and weapons, he is obligated to promote the sales of loans and weapons.  He is voluntarily expressing, through his MAGA hat, who he is.  MAGA is an obvious communication with Magicians (MAGA) Of The Temple.  Trump Made Banks (through COVID-19 of Rothschild’s Pirbright Institute) Great Again (MBGA) during his tenure and will do so again if he is elected again.

You cannot be fooled twice.  According to the hand sign of Trump and Macron above, he is more than likely a Magician (MAGA) Of The Temple.   Baphomet horns are their main symbol that effectively communicates with Rothschild banking family.  His hotels and casinos have not been possible without the favor of FRB shareholders.  Therefore, are you voting for your president or your president’s investors?

Microsoft’s Governmental Partnership That Forms Monopoly

Political donations are bribes that also violate antitrust laws (Sherman Act Section 2, 15 U.S.C. §2).  Monopoly is subject to both criminal and civil penalties which were capped at 10 years of jail time and $100 million per violation.  Therefore, if a company becomes a contractor working for your government after a president receives a donation, it is not a donation but a bribe.  Bill Gates’ donations are also bribes since his donations fortified the governmental partnership with Microsoft.  This subject-matter becomes criminal in nature once the act is defined as a bribe.

What happened to Windows users after Microsoft had exceptionally been allowed for the monopoly business across the world?  Do you want to allow the hidden directors to control your computers and your vehicles under the guise of government contracts?  

If Microsoft had not been allowed for the monopoly business, all airplanes would have departed without a conflict between CrowdStrike and MS operating system, which cost $1 billion.  If monopoly has to be legally allowed, there is a method to make the monopoly business owners pay rebates to global citizens, which can replace QE, Stimulus Checks or Universal Basic Income (UBI).  Find the discussions in my book.

Due to the current electoral loopholes, politicians are procured by puppet masters (investors) who invest in presidential candidates expecting greater benefits in return.  This poisonous cycle of the food chain restlessly keeps voters powerless and useless.  Investors (donors) would expect more than what was invested (donated) once the team wins the election.  

The more fund was received by presidential candidates, the more benefits are expected by their investors.  The outcome of political investment is greater than the outcome of monetary investment such as loan interests and stock dividends.   Someone’s gain often becomes others’ loss.  Political donations are political investments which are bribes.  Presidential campaigns must be equally funded by the government budget not by the budget of donors or candidates.

In 2020, by not requiring score reports but by requiring tax reports of applicants’ parents, many universities admitted only the applicants who could afford to pay tuitions not the applicants whose scores were perfect or higher than those who are rich.  Presidential campaigns should never adopt this corrupt policy of universities because the policy will downgrade the quality of education and will corrupt the societies and nations in the end. What if your CEO is not more intelligent than employees or what if your president is not more intelligent than citizens?  Why do you need false or incompetent leaders in your societies?

Why Do You Trust Politicians Who Secretly Communicate With Hidden Groups Who Understand The Secret Hand Signs?

See the hand sign of Baphomet intentionally posed by the team of Trump and Macron.  Why would you trust politicians who secretly communicate with hidden directors or groups who can understand their hand signs?  Why would you trust politicians who use hand signs that you do not understand?  Would you trust public defenders who secretly communicate with your opposing counsels behind your backs or above your heads?

According to 2 Thessalonians 2:9, the antichrist is a man with lawlessness who will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, "sign" and false wonder.  See also Musk's two fingers of Baphomet at Trump rally on October 27, 2024 in New York.