How Do Globalists Transform
Your Families To Gladiators?
By Jane Lim | July 8, 2024
How Do Globalists Change Your Life-Purposes?
Are Your Children Soldiers, Entertainers Or Slaves?
WW3 is similar to a mortal combat show through which gladiators entertained Roman Empires. Gladiators were captured soldiers of enemy states such as war prisoners. They were enslaved and owned by entertainment business owners who used Colosseum of Rome as a theater in which Roman citizens watched murderous fights to the death. Gladiators had to fight against each other for the finanical benefits of governors who sold war prisoners to weapon and entertainment business owners. The destinies of gladiators were in bad hands of those business owners at that time.
Through WW3, your destiny is modified by billionaires in cryptocurrency industry, weapon industry including bioweapon, vaccine industry, real estate industry, AI industry and monetary industry. You may lose your lives in the battle fields or lose your jobs in your countries. These billionaires do not want borders. They are called globalists. They want to demolish borders so that they can trade without tariffs or import taxes. They also want to avoid their state taxes by relocating their factories to the countries where they pay zero or less taxes or pay less labor fees. What do they want from you?
How Do Globalists Take Over Your Assets?
They want countries to purchase their weapons, military services and currencies all at once by using wars if they cannot make profits out of regular products or services any longer. Bankers drive investors out of stock markets using high interest rates and take over businesses when producers cannot afford to pay off their debts. Due to the greed of bankers, producers have been forced to lock down their factories during COVID-19 pandemic.
The more people die from wars, the more lands governments and bankers can confiscate. The more factories shut down, the more properties bankers can take over through foreclosures. This is one of many reasons for WW3 and COVID-19 pandemic.
Thanos’ Daughters, Nebula And Gamora Are Gladiators.
In Kingsman: The Secret Service, church members’ murderous fight entertained Valentine who is a villain in the movie. This scene is a part of WW3 agenda. In WW3, brothers and sisters will be forced to kill each other. Two examples are the case of North Korea (Nebula) and South Korea (Gamora) and the case of China and Taiwan.
In South Carolina, on February 10, 2024, Trump said, “I’d encourage Russia to do whatever they want. You got to pay! If we don’t pay and if we are attacked by Russia, will you protect us? No, I would not protect you.” Did an American Freemason, Trump instruct a Russian Freemason, Putin to visit North Korea in June 2024 so that South Korea can increase the military budget for the US army in 2024?
Does Trump’s statement above not sound like Thanos or a servant to Thanos in the movie, Avengers: Infinity War where Thanos kills one of his two adopted daughters (Nebula: North Korea / Gamora: South Korea) who also appear in the movie, Guardians of the Galaxy? Thanos replaced Nebula’s body with mechanical weapons whenever she loses her fight against her sister Gamora.
See Trump’s Abraham Accord coin in which 13 arrows were replaced with 1 nuclear weapon. His coin is a new version of 13 arrows (wars) and 13 olive leaf branches (peace) in one dollar bills. Trump’s sword in the coin was replaced with nuclear weapons and COVID-19 vaccines. It is unbelievable that Trump is going to stop the wars in Ukraine and Israel or WW3. Was Trump not hired (chosen) for the financial benefits of the owners of nuclear weapons and bioweapons such as Rothschild banking family? Would you be drafted for the hidden directors by being fooled by the heads of your countries one more time in 2025?
The guardians are big brothers who sell military services and weapons to militarily belittled countries whose purchase or production of nuclear weapons have been denied or opposed by the big brothers. British Freemasons will fight against Russian Freemasons in WW3 even though they were friends in WW2. Therefore, are they not gladiators who are blindly entertaining their hidden directors?
In 2020, 7.8 Billion Global Citizens Were Imprisoned At Home Waiting To Be Killed In WW3.
Gladiators fight against colleagues to the death in order to entertain the Roman Empires and Roman citizens. This is how the Roman Empires disposed their war prisoners. The total of 7.8 billion global citizens were being held hostage by COVID-19 patentee who imprisoned 7.8 billion global citizens inside their homes (house arrest).
They are now enslaved by the owners of nuclear weapons or plutonium (the same entity who owns COVID-19) to fight in WW3 where they are forced to lose their families, jobs and properties that will be transferred to the top three biggest land owners. Microsoft cryptocurrency and Blockchain cryptocurrency are the essential tracking systems that will make the transfer easy and fast for the benefits of the top three biggest land owners.
The entertainment stage of Roman Empires has changed from Colosseum to YouTube (your handphone). Watch movies and listen to songs about WW3. BTS (Ban Tan Sonyon: Bullet Proof Boys) means young soldiers who are drafted for wars. They are young gladiators who are owned by stockholders in the 21st century. Their fans are called army. Had BTS fans known their roles before they purchased the tickets for BTS concerts and before they started singing and dancing to BTS songs such as Butter (2021), Dynamite (2020) and Fire (2016)? After BTS sang those songs, they were drafted for the military services. Who is behind BTS? What are they telling us through their songs and dances? Find out the discussions in my book.
Bankers And Churches Need Armies While Governments Need Money, Which Is A Reason For Their Partnerships.
Bankers and churches (crusaders) would need armies while governments (kings and queens) would need money for wars through which they will gain foreign lands. Before COVID-19 pandemic, did the top three biggest land owners not agree to take over the empty Earth under the condition that they partner with the founder of Israel, who is the lord of money, the co-director of the Order 322 and the biggest owner of 239 (nuclear weapon) just one more time? Find out more discussions in my book.
Who was hired to fulfill this blatant plan in your countries? And what do they get from the employment? 144,000 tickets to Mars (rapture) paid by Bitcoins (a new ticket to Heaven)? A promised return to Earth in order to claim the ownership of Earth? Or, a license to own all real estate assets across the world?
In WW2, the US, the UK, Russia and China were allies. In 2020, they were well-prepared as if they were synchronized for the planned COVID-19 pandemic. Is it because they had been funded by the lord of money whose family patented the COVID-19 and its byproducts such as testing kits and vaccines? Is it not because they are united by Freemasonry?
Have we not been fooled by Trump who blamed China for COVID-19 pandemic which was orchestrated by the director who directs the US and China both? Does it not explain why Fauci sponsored the Chinese lab in Wuhan and Trump did not halt the harms caused by Fauci and Gates in 2019 and 2020? Fauci and Gates acted as spokesmen for the Directors Of COVID-19 Pandemic & WW3 and Trump allowed them to do so even though he had the highest power to remove powers from Fauci and Gates. It would be foolish to be fooled by the same entity for the same subject in 2025 again. Find the further discussions in my book.