What Is The Biggest Difference Between RFK Jr. And Trump About NATO & Weapons?

By Jane Lim | July 4, 2024

Why Does NATO Want Ukraine And How Does Trump Use Russia To Sell Weapons?


Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Jr. correctly analyzed the hidden reason why NATO has wanted to extend its member states by adding Ukraine.  The membership fee includes the cost of weapons and military services both.  Who benefits from it?  Who was hired to promote the sales of weapons including COVID-19 whose byproducts are COVID-19 vaccines?  You can assume that Kennedy is not directed by a hidden director who sells weapons including bioweapons such as COVID-19.

To the contrary, in South Carolina, on February 10, 2024, Trump said, “I’d encourage Russia to do whatever they want.  You got to pay!  If we don’t pay and if we are attacked by Russia, will you protect us?  No, I would not protect you.”  You can assume that Trump is directed by a hidden director who sells weapons to NATO members, BRICS members and all over the world.  Does Trump work for or against the Deep State?  Is he not a trickster? (See Caduceus).

The heads of your countries have been threatened by the hidden directors who have imprinted WW3 on their heads since 1871 effectively forcing them to stockpile warheads.  If the directors have stockpiled warhead resources such as plutonium and have printable money to sell, would they not want to make WW3 come true someday soon?

The weapon industry is still owned and operated by Knights Templar whose specialty is warfare and banking business. Therefore, who is behind the wars in the battle fields now in 2024?  Who has been hired to make the weapon sales possible?  Who will be enriched through WW3 and who was already enriched through man-made COVID-19?  Who caused inflation through COVID-19 pandemic and QE?  Who has promoted COVID-19 vaccines in your countries?

A bioweapon, COVID-19, killed about 7 million global citizens in 229 countries as of April 13, 2024.  UN member states have purchased the byproducts such as COVID-19 vaccines and testing kits since the British patentee (Rothschild’s Pirbright Institute) filed its patent application for COVID-19 in 2015.  Trump and Biden have promoted Rothschild’s vaccines and caused inflation by QE in order to enrich FRB shareholders.

The global sales revenue of COVID-19 vaccines ($25.6 billion by 2024) is not less than the global sales revenue of automatic weapons ($8.62 billion in 2023).  The global rocket and missile market will reportedly grow from $57.7 billion (2023) to $77.4 billion (2028). The world should never incentivize the destructive behavior such as stockpiling and selling warheads.  The global leader should ban manufacturing and selling weapons including COVID-19 and selling money (loan).  The leader should find a new economic system to prevent man-made pandemics and wars, which is discussed in my book.  In the book, you can also find effective methods to penalize the immoral acts of manufacturing and selling weapons and to penalize Ponzi scheme.

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