Bitcoins Cause Hyper-Inflation
That Kills All Earth Citizens After All.

By Jane Lim | September 8, 2024

Bitcoins Will Cause Hyper-Inflation That Creates Hunger Game Societies Where Global Citizens Starve To Death.

Bitcoins Cause Hyper-Inflation That Creates Hunger Game Societies.

Your dog cannot swim outside a pool without water. Likewise, you cannot sell US dollars  outside Ponzi scheme which is used to print US dollars.  You may remove either the water or the pool if you do not like your dog to swim.  Likewise, you may remove either Ponzi scheme or printed US dollars if you want to prevent the planned inflation, a hidden taxation.  

One way to remove printed US dollars is Bitcoins.  One way to remove Ponzi scheme is Bitcoins as well.  However, within a 15-year period (2009-2024), Bitcoins have created much more bubbles than the US dollars or its Ponzi scheme has created.  

By creating much more bubbles, Bitcoins are much worse than Ponzi scheme in terms of inflation.  Not only the production cost of Bitcoins is too high but also the prices of Bitcoins increase without creating actual values.  Bitcoin investors added fake values to a currency that cannot even be traded with a product or a service in 2024.  This speculation perfectly fits into the definition of fraud.

If the values of cryptocurrencies do not increase, there are no incentives for investors to exchange US dollars with them especially if investors cannot buy anything in Bitcoins.   Bitcoins have been used to sell money without imposing interests but with transaction fees.  

As discussed previously, selling money should be banned at all costs not only because it only causes inflations but also because money is not a product to sell.  Money is nothing but a method to exchange values.

Bitcoins cannot be used as a currency in any circumstance even if Bitcoin investors claim that Bitcoins can decentralize the control of money supply.  Even without opening this debate, Bitcoins fail to meet the requirements to serve as a currency as discussed previously.  Why would you file a lawsuit to disbar an attorney who has never had a license in the first place?

In the graph above, let’s suppose that 7.8 billion global citizens drank 1 oz of milk at $0.0009 in 2009 and let’s suppose that Bitcoins can buy products or services in 2024.   This example is to find out how many people can afford to drink 1 oz of milk in 2024 when the price of 1 Bitcoin increased to $64,784 (2024) from $0.0009 (2009).  In 2009, 1 Bitcoin was sold at  $0.0009.  On July 16, 2024, it was sold at $64,784.

In 2024, 1 Bitcoin was exchanged with $64,784 as if 1 Bitcoin has the equal value of  $64,784.  Although you bought 1 oz of milk at $0.0009 in 2009, you should pay $64,784 to buy it in 2024 because Bitcoin investors depreciated US dollars and appreciated Bitcoins in 2024 while the supply of milk is limited thus could not increase.

If your currency is appreciated, products or services are relatively depreciated.  However, this is the case when the prices of products or services remain the same as before.  When Bitcoins depreciated your currency and replaced your currency, and when the production of milk is limited because you cannot magically create cows to sell milk in your factories or farms, the price of milk increases by 64,784 times thus the price rises to $64,784 from $0.0009 per 1 oz.  

If you live in Skull island, would you sell your milk at $0.0009 or at $64,784 per 1 oz when your friend suddenly changed his coin value from $0.0009 to $64,784? When the supply is limited, its price increases.  However, when it comes to currencies, that is not how it works. You cannot limit the supply of currency only to sell your currency at a higher price with a high interest because money is nothing but a method to express existing values such as GNPs.

If all US dollars were traded with Bitcoins in 2024, Bitcoin speculation causes the price of 1 oz of milk to increase to $64,784 from $0.0009 ($0 hereafter) not only because the supply of milk could not be rapidly increased by 64,784 times higher than the supply of milk in 2009 but also because the appreciated value of Bitcoins increases the production cost including the labor fees which should be paid in Bitcoins in 2024.  

Unless your income increases in 2024 by 64,784 times higher than your income in 2009, your liquid assets decrease without saying by 64,784 times due to the Bitcoin speculation.  Only the Bitcoin investors become richer than in 2009 because they depreciated your currency without your knowledge while they appreciated their investments.

Bitcoin investors are criminal because they are depreciating the value of your national currency and the fiat currency, and because they are gradually and silently replacing your national currency without a legitimate process and without the consent of taxpayers.  What will you do if your banks suddenly change your account balance from $64,784 (1 Bitcoin) to $0.0009 (1 Bitcoin) because Bitcoins became a new national currency after they depreciated your existing currency?

If 1 Bitcoin was sold at $64,784 in 2024 after the buyer bought 1 Bitcoin at $0.0009 in 2009, the buyer exaggerated the original value of 1 Bitcoin by 64,784 times.  In 2024, Bitcoin investors created a fake value as much as $64,783.9991 ($64,784) per 1 Bitcoin within 15 years without creating an actual value of the Bitcoin.  If a seller changes your check from $0.0009 to $64,784, 15 years later, what do you call it?  Is it not a fraud?

Only trillionaires can afford to buy 1 oz of milk at $64,784 in this hunger game society where the rest of global citizens are set aside to drink bubbles not milk.   The Bitcoin-induced hunger game may be the reason why the US PPP drops to $16,374 in Edwin Deagle’s 2025 global economic forecast if the reason is not WW3.    When the citizens of a country cannot drink 1 oz of milk at $0.0009, the country will erroneously start to increase its debt.  This is how Argentinians have become poor since 1998.  Illegalizing speculation and Ponzi scheme was the first step but no countries are taking this right path yet.

Instead of not creating bubbles, many heads of countries agreed to legalize the sales of Bitcoin, and agreed to create pandemics or wars in order to depopulate the humans who are set aside to drink bubbles not milk.

In 2024, instead of using a military weapon, Bitcoin investors (new Knights Templar) are using a monetary weapon such as hyper-inflation to drive the poor out of the society.  Therefore, you can question whether RFK Jr. and Trump are representing the best interests of you or Bitcoin investors.  Are they not laying the ground work for a hunger game society using Bitcoins?  Bitcoin investors deliberately make you starve to death after all.  Bitcoin investors make you poor without your knowledge but with their fraudulent concept of currency. 

Bankman-Fried’s Bitcoin Partnership With Presidents.

Bankman-Fried poured $38 million into the 2022 elections (Fox Business on November 18, 2022).  After Sam Bankman-Fried donated $250,000 to Bill Clinton in April 2022 (New York Post, January 23, 2023), Bankman-Fried was arrested on December 12, 2022. Even though his charge was not a bribe, an arrest is a result when political bribes are money-laundered in the form of donations (tax-free and not trackable) through casinos, churches or private foundations.  If you want to know who will become richer within 4 years from now, look at the names of donors for 2024 presidential candidates.  If Musk donates monthly $45 million to Trump, Trump will likely mandate electric cars.

Although Bitcoins have become a tool for money laundering, BlackRock CEO, Larry Fint or JPMorgan Chase Bank CEO, Dimon was named by Trump as the next Treasury secretary according to Bloomberg and Forbes.  As of July 23, 2024, Trump denied his pick.  Find out who is behind Bitcoin speculations in this video to discover why Trump has reportedly named BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase Bank as his pick.

Could the coin under Obama’s shoes in I, Pet Goat II be a Bitcoin?  Why did Sam Bankman-Fried donate his Bitcoins to Clinton?  Did Bankman-Fried transfer Bitcoins to Obama on behalf of Rothschild banking family?  Are Rothschild banking family not behind Bitcoins?  Were Bitcoins used for money laundering to promote COVID-19 byproducts?  It takes many years to conspire a war or a pandemic with the heads of foreign nations.  These are the questions that all voters should ask before the election day.

Bitcoins Are Used To Transfer Bribes And To Bankrupt All Nations.

Bitcoins are a method for money laundering so that bribers can transfer bribes to politicians without leaving the evidence of bribery.  Since cryptocurrency speculations spread the incurable hyper-inflation to all nations across the world, cryptocurrency speculations bankrupt the entire nations by a ripple effect.

If presidential candidates advocate Bitcoins, you can assume that they have become the Bitcoin investors after they had received Bitcoins in the form of donations.  Therefore, if your presidents or presidential candidates support Bitcoins, they are, in fact, expediting a global bankruptcy.  Many people would run to their banks if they knew that their currency was relatively depreciated by 64,784 times in 2024.

Once you receive a Bitcoin, you become a speculator.  Bitcoin speculators cannot get out of their own trap until someone buys their Bitcoins at higher prices.  Bitcoin speculators are false advertisers since they exaggerate the values of their assets only to fraudulently increase the prices of their assets without adding or creating actual values.

According to CNBC on July 7, 2023, the financial disclosure of RFK Jr. states that he has Bitcoins worth between $100,001 and $250,000.  According to CryptoSlate on August 14, 2024, he has received $61,000 in Bitcoins as donations.

According to CBS News on August 16, 2024, Trump owns $1 million in crypto.  Trump received $5 million in crypto donations according to Yahoo Finance on May 16, 2024. This fact alone confirms that RFK Jr. and Trump have become Bitcoin speculators.  

Therefore, by electing Bitcoin investors as your presidents, global citizens cannot avoid hunger game societies counting the days toward the global bankruptcy.

Bitcoin Limits Your Capacity To Make Money.

When your GNP is $100 trillion, if your country printed $1 trillion, your country  underestimated its ability to make money.   If your country printed $1,000 trillion, your country overestimated its ability to make money.  Thus, $900 trillion is your national debt.  For example, if or Facebook laid off 10,000 employees, the GNP decreases thus the ability to make money, which is the ability to issue a currency, decreases unless the remaining employees can generate the same sales revenue.

It would be foolish to make the production cost of a currency high since money is nothing more than a method to express an existing value.  Will you spend $100 trillion to print $1 trillion?  This is what Bitcoins are doing to the global economy for the benefits of Bitcoin investors only.  

If a price tag costs more money than its product, the price tag will only cause more inflation.  Likewise, why would you spend more money to make a coin than an apple?  If the production cost of a coin is $1, the inflation rate would be increased by 100% because you added a bubble ($1) to an apple ($1) without your knowledge. This bubble appears as your tax but this tax is unnecessary.  In this case, your country is wasting $1 (the cost of 1 coin) per $1 (the cost of 1 apple), making the total profit zero.  This is one of many reasons why Bitcoins can not be used as a currency in any country.  All  countries should issue Earth currency based on their GNPs as discussed previously.  This Earth currency does not need to be a cryptocurrency but if Earth currency is a virtual money, the production cost of a currency becomes nearly zero.

Mask producers limited the supply of masks during COVID-19 pandemic only to increase the price of masks.  Likewise, Bitcoin producers limited the supply of Bitcoins only to increase the price of Bitcoins.   Will you pay $64,784 for 1 bottle of water if the producers limit the supply?  Will you pay $64,784 for 1 Bitcoin that cannot buy anything but Bitcoins?

The prices of Bitcoins increase as if you are bidding for antic furniture or famous paintings.  This concept is erroneous not only because there is no reason to limit the method to print money when GNPs are supposed to grow but also because money is not a product to sell.  This erroneous practice throws 7.8 billion global citizens into a foolish and brutal hunger game society.  Will you play the game in the movie Mad Max where people cannot afford to buy water or have no access to public water any longer?

When your GNP is $100 trillion, why do you want to print only $1 trillion?  If you manufacture the small number of Bitcoins only to exaggerate the value, it is a fraud.  The concept of Bitcoin is not only fraudulent but also stupid.

Not only Bitcoins but also the US dollars have been already privatized by FRB shareholders for two centuries.  If you purchase a car or a home with a loan, you are not the owner unless you make the full payment.  FRB shareholders have decided how much currency is needed in the US while they are the private bankers whose profits are only possible through your debts including the Treasury bonds.   Why do you think the US debt never stops skyrocketing even if the US GNP is growing?

FRB shareholders such as JPMorgan Chase are Bitcoin investors as discussed previously.  They control the price of Bitcoins as the biggest investors.  Therefore, why do you want to create another same system controlled by the same entity?  The owner of the World Trade Center, Silverstein is known as a person who benefited from 911 attack since he reportedly purchased an insurance 6 weeks before the 911 attack and received a payment greater than the actual value of the building.  Did FRB shareholders not purchase Bitcoins before or in 2009 in order to increase their assets by 64,784 times in 2024?

A Hungarian physician, Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865) was beaten to death in an asylum to which he was committed by medical doctors after he had correctly taught why healthcare providers should wash (disinfect) their hands before they conduct surgeries.  Semmelweis was mocked by medical doctors who felt offended when they were told to wash their hands.   In 1800s, medical doctors could not process Semmelweis’ invaluable information that germs exist everywhere including hands.  In 2024, your presidential candidates or your presidents did not accept the warnings from Warren Buffett who correctly said that he considers crypto “Rat Poison” and said that he would not pay $25 for all Bitcoins in the world.

Gold Standard Limits Your Capacity To Make Money.

Your monetary system should not be based on the amount of gold that Earth can generate.   Gold does not grow while your GNPs must grow.  It is stupid for a frog to play in a small water fountain while it could jump into a big pond.  Your GNP is a parameter and a basis on which you can issue your currency.  Will you reduce the size of your body to remain in a small room or grow bigger to move to a mansion?  When your GNP is $100 trillion, why do you print only $1 trillion?

Gold should remain as a product whose final value should be added to the global GNP.  Therefore, if you keep gold as a replacement of your currency, gold cannot be sold to anyone as a product because you have to reserve it thus your GNP can not be maximized for the benefits of your citizens.  Why would you not want to utilize natural resources such as gold to make more valuable and more useful products?  The current situation is like you are saving water while the cause of your death is dehydration.  Kings or queens store gold for their own greed letting their countries go bankrupt and choose sovereign default, which may be the case of the UK or Philippine in the future.

Whether your countries have gold or not, your countries have no reason to go bankrupt unless there are no products or services to sell.  Gold was essential when countries did not have manufacturing facilities to produce goods to sell abroad. Did Adam and Eve go bankrupt?  Without banks, you never go bankrupt. In other words, unless you sell money for interests using Ponzi scheme, you never go bankrupt.  Why would you like to limit your GNP to the fixed quantity of gold bars or Bitcoins?

Unless your country has a very low credit score thus your currency is not trustworthy, and unless your country has no competent products or services to sell, there is no need to reserve or buy gold.   Buying gold is like preserving a land because you do not know how to build rental homes on the land from which you can make profits.  Like ruby, gold can be lab-created.  Therefore, the value of gold can decrease meaning that you and your countries have less incentives to keep gold at home in the future.

Money is not a product to sell.  Money is an expression of existing values of products or services (GNPs).   If you have a gold bar or a car, it means that you have a product to sell thus your government can issue a currency.  It does not mean that you reserved your right to trade your gold with your currency.  The concept of gold standard is outdated.

Bitcoin Investors Are Similar To Bioterrorists Because They Hide Their Identities To Hide Crimes To Destroy Your Countries.

Bitcoin investors are like billionaire bioterrorists who aim to depopulate humans and animals by spreading diseases only to occupy more lands after that or to sell money.  

Bitcoin investors such as JP-Morgan Chase or BlackRock would seek governmental contracts through political donations.  They are killing the economy for their own short-term benefits without knowing that they are also killing themselves after all.  You can find who are behind them in this video.

The Roman Empires committed suicide by poisoning their own monetary system, which happened after they had started committing homicide across the world.  It costs money to wage war against foreign nations in order to take over foreign lands after they kill the original owners.  Who caused the bankruptcy to the Roman Empires?

To supply the necessary weapons, the Roman Empires used Ponzi scheme which is the reason for inflation.  Therefore, if your country has many Bitcoin investors, your country cannot avoid the same destiny of the Roman Empires. 

Bitcoins Are A Monetary Weapon To Kill Earth Citizens.

If you have to pay $64,784 for 1 oz of water that is essential to your survival, the increased price serves as a weapon to kill you.  Likewise, the increased price of 1 Bitcoin has become a monetary weapon to kill the global citizens who do not own Bitcoins.  

Roman thieves clipped a coin by shaving off a tiny portion of the edge of a coin to make another coin.  Bitcoin investors are similar to the Roman thieves since they exaggerated the value of 1 Bitcoin from $0.0009 to $64,784.  Bitcoin investors are similar to the Knights Templar (Ponzi scheme managers) who bankrupted the Roman Empires.  Bitcoin investors are liable for your bankruptcy and further sovereign default.  

In order to decentralize and centralize your currencies, all you have to do is use Earth currency whose total value is equal to the global GNP.  Earth currency benefits everyone on Earth while Bitcoins cause harms to everyone except the investors.  Earth currency automatically kills Ponzi scheme thus there is no excuse for the fraudulent Bitcoin.   Earth currency automatically eliminates FRB because GNPs and GDPs replace the financial advices from FRB shareholders whose incomes are your debts.

In my book, find out the reason why trading products and services is safer than accepting foreign currencies including the fiat currency unless all nations use Earth currency.   In my book, you can find out more why money is not a product to sell.