Why Is Kekius Maximus
A Dark Knight?
By Jane Lim | January 05, 2025
Why Did Elon Musk Change His Social Media Profile Name To Kekius Maximus?
This article is related to “How Do Globalists Transform Your Families To Gladiators?” which I shared on X.com on July 8, 2024. Maximus is the name of a gladiator, whom Russel Crowe played in the movie, Gladiator. By naming himself Maximus, Musk is directly denying that he is a globalist who transforms your sons and husbands to gladiators for WW3.
Kek in “Kekius” is the name of Egyptian god of “Darkness,” who is sometimes depicted with the head of a frog. The female Kek is depicted as a serpent-headed woman. Musk is admitting that there is something “Dark” in his mission since “Darkness” of Kek is consistent with “Darkness” of Dark MAGA as which he introduced himself.
By using the name, Maximus, Musk is denying that he is a member of the Knights Templar who have become military business owners across the world (globalists) in the 21st century. However, Musk operates military businesses across the world, which is the reason why the heads of countries such as Netanyahu invited Musk not Biden to their countries during Biden’s tenure.
Before Musk donated $277 million to Republican Party for Trump’s reelection, Musk had been already involved with the US military decisions without being intervened by Biden administration or probably with unspoken approvals from Biden administration. Since the bipartisan unity had been likely agreed by Democratic Party before September 11, 2024, Musk has been more than likely a quasi-government employee like Bill Gates has been.
His new name, Maximus may mislead people to think that he is a victim because Maximus is a victim in the movie in which Maximus’ loyalty to the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, is brutally penalized by Aurelius' son who kills Maximus’ wife and children.
Considering the fact that the Illuminati use serpents as their symbol, Musk hints that he is a member of the Illuminati whose former version is the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar’s loyalty to the Roman Catholic Church was betrayed when they were abolished by the order 322 on March 22, 1312, which is known as Masonic Order 322 (Skull & Bones). However, the Knights Templar (Jesuits) dethroned Pope Benedict XVI in 2013 by replacing him with a Marxist (Freemason), Pope Francis.
The Knights Templar would claim that they are avengers while King Philip IV of France claimed that they were villains. The Knights Templar changed their name to the Jesuits in an attempt to avoid execution. Elon Musk’s family visited Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church whose secret agents had been Jesuits until they changed the name to Illuminati.
In my book, find more discussions of how Jesuits have evolved to become Marxists (Freemasons) who had been Jewish Masons, and of why Trumpism appears to be Nazism while it will become Marxism after WW3. Why do you think the Greek god of death, Hades orchestrates wars in the Book of Revelation? Find the answers in my book.
Is Musk telling us that he is an avenger? Whom is he fighting against? Whom is he loyal to? Is he taking orders from the biggest stockholder, who is an occultist, in his companies? According to his hints such as Kek (Dark Serpent) and Dark MAGA, he may have been influenced by his masters whose mission is very dark and whose symbol is a serpent ($). The masters obviously keep low profiles by hiring a frontman (representative/agent) who keeps a high profile to attract many followers.
The dark serpent ($) may give you a clue of how he has become the richest CEO in the world. If the biggest stockholder in Musk’s companies is the richest person in the world, Musk will automatically become the richest man in the world as well.
Even if Musk may have intended to raise the value of a cryptocurrency, Kekius Maximus, the timing is too perfect to believe that the coin was the only reason because many people recently questioned his unspoken identity after they had seen, in 2022, his Halloween costume showing Baphomet, which is called “Devil’s Champion.” Baphomet has been worshipped by the Knight Templar.
Is Musk announcing that he is a member of the Knights Templar, which is consistent with his self-introduction, “I am Dark MAGA"? Agents act on behalf of authorities. Has Musk been instructed by Rothschild banking family to drop those hints like Trump has been instructed to do so? Trump said "Enough Is Enough" which appears in the Illuminati card. The Illuminati always drop hints to acknowledge who rules the world. Trump and Musk would hardly team up if their masters are not the same. Hades (Kek, Thanos) is the director of WW3. Therefore, you may be able to answer the question, who Kekius Maximus is and who Musk is.