Why Does Trump’s
Revolutionary Fist
Signify Baal’s Regime?

By Jane Lim | December 15, 2024

What Does Trump's Revolutionary Fist Tell You?

Image Of Trump's Presidential Campaign And Trump's Revolutionary Fist Implying Sickle (Marxism).

This article is related to “Who Educated And Sponsored Nazis and Marxists?” posted on May 23, 2024.  In The Simpsons above, see the image of Trump 2024 showing the hair that appears to be a sickle (Marxism).  See the mural at the Denver International Airport.  Who is holding a hammer (Marxism) and a sword in order to make it a sickle?

The hair above could also imply an assassination attempt which may be plotted against Iran by the founder of Israel, Jacob Rothschild’s family of the UK and by Netanyahu of Israel who hijacked Republican Party of the US so that Israel could drive all non-Jews out of Gaza using the US military budget (your debt).

Revolution is not about genocide for which Trump or Netanyahu has ironically aimed. Trump’s revolution has not done anything but burning in Hawaii as of today. See a house on fire which is drawn on a blackboard in I, Pet Goat II where you can find the clue of who caused the fire in Hawaii.

Trump will likely accuse Iran of the assassination attempt to ignite WW3 in order to sell the stockpiled warheads for which Trump’s additional military budget ($0.4~2.5 trillion, 2026-2035) should be spent.  Trump’s military budget $1.28~$3.38 trillion (2026-2035) was increased by 45%~284% from 2024 budget $0.88 trillion. These high rates are unprecedented in the US history hinting at WW3.

Trump’s fist, which was posed at the scene of assassination attempt, signifies Revolution or Baal who is the god of Canaan region.  See the image of the hand of Baal (Symbol: Bull and Ram) on Wikipedia.  Trump’s revolutionary fist communicates with the Knights Templar who have worshipped Baphomet which is also identified with Moloch as which Baal is also known according to modern scholars.  See the faces of Baphomet and Moloch. Are they not the faces of bull, ram or goat?

Baal may have replaced Yahweh as the national god of Israel but not Judah (Campbell 2001 pp. 221-222).  Ba’al Berith (lord of the Covenant) was a god worshipped by Israelites when they went astray after the death of Gideon according to Hebrew scripture (Jgs. 8:33-34).  

Baal is also equivalent with Seth who killed Horus’ father in the Egyptian myth. See pp. 15-17 of my book to find what Trump’s fist could mean by knowing who Seth is and to find who the Greek god of harvest (sickle, p. 17) is because Baal is one of them.

Baal is known as devil to Christians.  Baal is the Greek Belos who is identified with Zeus or Cronus, which has something to do with Saturn in Trump’s Abraham Accord coin and in World Ahead 2025 in The Economist.  A pigeon, in the coin, is delivering an olive leaf to Saturn.  In my book, you have learned the hidden meaning of olive leaf.   See pp. 228, 242 (Part I-III).

Baal’s fist has something to do with Novus Ordo Seclorum (A New Order Of The Ages) which is about the return of Saturn’s reign.   See p. 302 (Part I-III) to find whose order is on the top under the All Seeing Eye Of God.

In my book, Saturn is discussed along with the US dollar bill and Trump’s Abraham Accord coin. You have learned in my book that Cronus is identified with Saturn which also symbolizes Marxism.  Marxism (Red/bricks/BRICS) is everywhere in “The World Ahead 2025” of The Economist.

Vanity Fair interpreted Dark MAGA as election chaos.  The chaos may hint at an electoral fraud which was likely possible by black hat hackers.  The god of chaos is Loki, who is also a god of fire.  Trump’s revolutionary fist is equivalent to the fire from Heliofant in I, Pet Goat II (2012).  Heliofant means a child of the Sun, implying the Illuminati whose former versions are the Jesuits and the Knights Templar (see Sons in p. 344).  Fire is associated with the revolution about which Trump talked.  Fire is a song title of BTS whose songs are about Revolution (Fire), COVID-19 Pandemic (ON) and WW3 (Dynamite).

Canaanites worshiped Baal as the god of Sun, who is linked to the Illuminati.  In my book, you have learned why Trump was compared to Jewish King David whose descendants have become Illuminati, and why the Knights Templar had transformed into the Jesuits and the Illuminati before they revealed themselves as Freemasons after all.

See I, Pet Goat II to find the Skull & Bones (Freemasonry) who are orchestrating WW3.  You have learned why the Skull & Bones (Order 322) are the Knights Templar (Masons), the former version of Freemasons.  Therefore, you can easily answer two questions.  One is whether Trump was and is the same team with George W. Bush who read the book, I Pet Goat on September 11, 2001, and the other is whether Trump will begin WW3 as hinted by I, Pet Goat II and Abraham Accord coin.

Trump’s revolutionary fist seems to be the rule of thumb or fist provoking a question whether Trump is qualified to make decisions about social warfare and economy on behalf of the US voters.  If Trump adopts Marxism (socialism) in the future, he should do it in a correct way as discussed in my book.  However, he is not interested in social welfare according to his budget plan for 2026-2035 through which you know that Trump’s biggest interest is WW3.  Which word has he repeated most since 2017?  WW3 (nuclear war).  Trump may abuse Marxism even though Marxism does not need to be associated with dictatorship.  Has Pope Francis correctly practiced Marxism in Micah 4:3 and 1 Corinthians 12:26?  Or, Is he working on it? Which area of social welfare has he improved for the world?

Further Readings:
Is This Revolutionist Your Enemy Or Hero?
Misconception And Incorrect Practices Of Marxism