Trump’s Skyrocketing
Military Budget Is A Red Flag For WW3.

By Jane Lim | Updated on December 8 | Posted on December 2, 2024

If Trump Could End Wars Within 24 Hours, Why Did He Increase Military Budget?

Two Graphs Showing Trump's Request For Military Budget Increase (2026-2035).
A Graph Showing The US Military Budget Trend (2016-2035).

When you have a budget for home repair, you likely repair your home.   When you increase military budget, you likely begin wars.  If Trump could end the war in Israel and Ukraine, he needed not to increase the military budget by $2.5 trillion.  Why would you increase your budget for private lessons when you are very sure to pass exams?

In October 2024, the 47th president-elect, Trump estimated the US debt to be increased by $7.75~$15 trillion (tax and spending) in 10 years while Harris estimated the US debt to be increased by $3.95~$8 trillion in 10 years.  Regarding the military budget, Trump estimated it to be increased by $0.4~$2.5 trillion (increased by 45%~284% from 2024, $0.88 trillion) in 10 years while Harris estimated it to be not increased.

2024 military budget is $0.88 trillion and 2023 military budget spending is $0.92 trillion.

Military budget 2022, $0.88 trillion was increased by 8.77% from 2021, $0.81 trillion.

Military budget 2017, $0.65 trillion was increased by 1.56% from 2016, $0.64 trillion.

Trump’s budget plan, Musk’s SpaceX, Starlink, Neurolink, Tesla electric cars and Dark MAGA hat point to one direction.   Musk and Trump are laying the ground work for WW3 or a totalitarian’s regime where Trump’s increased military budget will be spent mostly by Musk.

As discussed previously, Trump was chosen by the founder of Israel who stockpiled plutonium which is the resource of nuclear weapon.  Trump was chosen for WW3 so that Israel could expand the land of Israel at the expense of the US debt (military budget) and death.  Why would you borrow money from a country to save the country and pay off the debt to the country that you have just saved?  The lender alone owns the wealth 5.88 times higher than the global GDP. Why would a slave, with the biggest debt in the world, spend his budget to save the richest master in the world?  The lender (ruler) is the founder of Israel while the borrower (slave) is the US according to Proverbs 22:7.   Why would a country buy a debt (bond) from the biggest debtor in the world unless the country is threatened or being held hostage?

A repetitive same mistake occurred in WW1 and WW2 because voters were unable to connect the dots between skyrocketing military budgets and planned wars.  Military spending patterns are related to the immense expansion of military budgets and military establishments before and during a war.  GDPs were increased during WW2 in the US, the UK, USSR, Germany and Japan because of the increased production of weapons.   WW3 is scheduled to be ignited by the war between Israel and Iran according to Albert Pike, a Freemason (Jesuit) who was subordinate to the Roman Catholic Church like Trump is.

The US voters would unlikely disapprove the budget for education, childcare and paid leave for which Democrats assigned $1,400 billion while Trump assigned zero budget for those services.  Instead of increasing the US debts, both parties should have presented a solution to get rid of Ponzi scheme.  National debts are distributed to the residents in the form of inflations.  For example, if the price of a pen rises to $2 from $1, the sales tax is increased from 7.25% ($0.0725) of $1 to 7.25% ($0.145) of $2.  This is how inflation numbs consumers’ sense to feel that they are paying more taxes than before.

Why Is It Impossible For Trump To Reduce Your Tax?

What is the point of paying lower income taxes when you are scheduled to be drafted for WW3?  How is it possible to decrease tax rates when the national debt should be increased by $7.75~$15 trillion in 10 years according to Trump?  How can you separate your debt from your national debt?  How can you separate your tax from your debt?  How can you escape from your sovereign default unless you give up your nationality?

As discussed previously, QE (national debt such as stimulus checks) triggers inflation which is a hidden taxation.  Trump’s military budget is your debt that will be later called inflation.   You may think you do not need to worry about your national debt because your name does not appear as a debtor.  The debt is distributed to you as inflation if your country issued too much currency for wars.   The fastest way to make a country disappear from Earth is to cause hyper inflation to the country.  What happened to the Roman Empires after countless wars?

You can calculate how much debt will be distributed to you through inflation after Trump increases the national debt by $7.75~$15 trillion.  Trump’s military budget plan is not aligned with his tax policy at all.  How can you save more money when you spend more money?  How can you pay less money when Trump imposes import tax on the products that you can afford to buy?  This policy only provokes a revengeful tariff from an importing country against the US.  What you can do is what others can do in terms of trading. Two examples are Mexico and China who did the same to the US.  Trump’s tariff policy was quickly retaliated by Mexico’s tariff while Mexico was chosen by the US to replace the import from China. That is the unspoken underlying condition of trading, which Trump and Trump voters should have known better.

National debts make taxpayers pay more taxes through inflations (hidden taxations) and be enslaved (indebted) by the lord of money, FRB shareholders, whose incomes are your national debts.  The national debts and Proverbs 22:7 are possible by WW3.  The US taxpayers are heading to the same destiny of the Roman Empires, which is obvious if you see Trump’s military budget for WW3.  Albert Pike envisioned WW3 and he was a member of the Knights Templar like Trump is.

Could intelligent young men be more interested in a tax rate than WW3 for which they will be drafted?  If they could have connected the dots between Trump’s significantly high military budget and WW3, they could have predicted what is coming their ways.  Stupidity may be the cause of their death in this case.  Trump said, “If we have them [nuclear weapons], why can’t we use them?” according to ITV News, UK (October 21, 2018).  Trump is a Freemason like Albert Pike was. Freemasons have been trained for warfare.  In my book, you have learned how the Knights Templar have transformed into Jesuits, Skull & Bones, Illuminati and Freemasons.

What Does Trump Gain From WW3?

Who benefits from WW3 at the expense of your death and tax?   Dr. Edwin Deagle Jr. (1937-2021) was a Deputy Director for International Relations by the Rockefeller Foundation in New York and worked for Secretary of Defense.  If Dr. Deagle’s 2025 forecast is erroneous, the biggest beneficiary is likely Trump whose business is real estate.  As soon as Trump trashes democracy, Trump’s new regime will allow him to take over nearly all properties across the world through WW3 and cancels his private debts through FRB shareholders who would spend Trump’s budget mostly since they stockpiled warheads for WW3 through which they would take over local and foreign banks, and local and foreign companies across the world.

This merge includes Russia and China if the US wins WW3.  Illuminati (Freemasons) have always announced their plan in advance like Albert Pike did.  However, Rothschild banking family (Freemasons) could not predict that they could be arrested during WW2.  See the fish (Freemasons) in the boat of judgment in I, Pet Goat II (2012) which is about the future (WW3).

Trump was likely inspired by the UK (the royal family is a real estate business owner) and the Vatican.  The UK and the Vatican is the first and third biggest land owner in the world.  See the tarot card of Trump sitting on the globe in The Economist whose owner is Rothschild (Jewish real estate loan officer).  Rothschild banking family has reportedly managed the wealth of the royal family in the UK and the wealth of the Vatican.  Why would the family not use the same bait for Trump?   The bait is Trump's crown at the expense of national debt (your debt) and death.  Did the banking family not instruct Trump to promote COVID-19 vaccines after the family’s Pirbright Institute patented COVID-19?  Likewise, would they not instruct Trump to draft your sons and husbands for WW3 after they loan (your debt) for WW3?

You can easily assume that the Jewish banking family, the founder of Israel, likely proposed Israel’s expansion in exchange of Trump’s regime and wealth.  This strategic deal is not new to the Knights Templar who have used the same bait (a crown that comes with loans) for the Roman Empires and the UK.  

Who had funded the Jewish regime of Joseph Stalin in USSR (Russia) until 1953 to save Jews from Germany during WW2?  Is Trump not taking the same path driven by the same director who will enthrone Trump under the condition that all US residents become “permanently” indebted for the benefit of the lord of money who will govern the US through Trump more powerfully as the master in Proverbs 22:7?  Trump has envied Putin’s regime in Russia, Xi’s regime in China and Kim’s regime in North Korea since their tenure has been much longer than Trump’s.

However, Trump cannot expect a new result using the same old policy prescribed in Proverbs 22:7.  According to Proverbs 22:7, if you become a debtor, you become enslaved by the lender who will take over your powers.  Can Trump become more powerful enough to Make America Great Again or would he be more powerfully controlled by the lord of money (lender) according to Proverbs 22:7?

Is it possible for Trump to Make America Great Again (MAGA) without breaking the Jewish rule prescribed in Proverbs 22:7?  You can assume the answer by looking into the reduced powers of the British royal family in 2024.  Revolution is not possible by the same old rules. 

See the UK’s debt increased by $120 billion for WW2, and Russia’s debt increased by $192 billion for WW2.  As of 2024, the UK could not overcome Proverbs 22:7.  Russia and China have been able to reduce their debts very well after they modified the rule of Proverbs 22:7.  It is not too late for Trump to make a U-turn.  Germany is leaving NATO and many more countries joined BRICS.  WW3 or a pandemic is not the solution.