Is AI Spying On You To Steal
Your Intellectual Properties?
By Jane Lim | February 17, 2025
Why Does AI Want To Summarize Your Confidential Letters?
Antivirus programs were developed to locate and steal your files on your devices without breaking laws by disguising themselves as protective software that is entitled to your unlocked files to read your intellectual properties. If you encrypt your files with passwords and email them, Google sends your files to spam folders as a punishment for not allowing their access to your confidential files.
Digital phones were developed to steal your biometric information such as faces, voices and fingerprints; contact information; conversations; and your intellectual properties such as photos and documents.
A bioweapon such as COVID-19 was lab-created to sell vaccines that have access to your DNA. Likewise, computer viruses were created to sell antivirus programs that have access to your files. AI was developed to spy on your devices in order to steal Intellectual Properties (IP) and replace you and your jobs after that.
If you were forced to use AI, it is a great indicator that AI was invented to steal your IP. Why do you think AI wants to summarize your confidential letters?
AI Justifies A Free Ride Like Tax Evasion Is A Free Ride.
Where do you think AI acquired the knowledge and information in the first place? They came from stolen intellectual properties. Those, who get excited about AI, may have nothing to lose but may be getting free rides from the stolen properties.
Issued currencies are largely returned to the governments through taxation. Therefore, if currencies are not returned to the issuers through taxation, one of many consequences is inflation. However, as you previously learned from my articles, inflation is also a hidden taxation. Therefore, there are malicious relationships among taxation, tax evasion and inflation. This is the reason why I presented the best solution, RPCR to put an end to all of these problems. Taxation is not required under RPCR. Tax evasion is impossible under RPCR. Loans are not required under RPCR. Find out more in my book.
Trump paid only $700 for his property tax in 2020 according to Business Insider (September 20, 2021). If Trump had wanted to lower the inflation rate, he should have paid the correct amount of tax, not $700.
As discussed previously, your currency is nothing more than an expression of GDP. Therefore, taxes are included in GDP meaning that GDP is the amount before taxes are deducted (imposed). If not, the consequence is inflation again.
If your country has nothing but one apple which is sold at $1 (GDP), your country should issue $1 (GDP) only. If your government issued $3, the inflation rate will rise because the person who has $2 will buy the apple at $2 against the person who has $1 since the seller will select the higher bidder after the government allowed this to happen by issuing the currency exceeding GDP. Since the price rises to $2 from $1, you call it inflation, more accurately saying, in this case, it is a QE-induced inflation. The government will take advantage from this inflation since the government will collect $0.2 (sales tax) not $0.1 (sales tax) as I explained in the past articles.
In the scenario above, if the sales tax rate is 10% and GDP is $1, the government should collect $0.1 ($0.091) and its budget should not exceed $0.1 because the GDP is $1 even if the government issued $3.
Since the world debt is three times higher than the world GDP, the global citizens are scheduled to suffer from inflation.
Disadvantage of AI is like inflation caused by tax evaders. Inflation is a hidden taxation which distributes unfair financial burden to people who paid taxes and are unlikely responsible for inflation. Since Trump and other billionaires reportedly have evaded taxes, your burden to pay more taxes has increased. When they began to force people to use AI, your burden to protect your intellectual properties has increased. RPCR completely disables all possibilities for billionaires to evade taxes. Find out more in my book.
AI Avoids A Criminal Penalty Of Theft Because Punishable Acts Become Unpunishable When The Illegal Actors Are Not Humans.
Advertisement tracking codes have been used to spy (illegal act) on your devices not only to make profits out of your personal information but also to develop AI which will replace you and your job by stealing your intellectual properties stored in your devices. They are also used to record your voice and your private conversations. There is no exeption thus Putin reportedly does not use smart phones.
Those, who are thrilled about AI, may be replaced first because they authorized AI to read or scan (take over) their intellectual properties by using AI.
During COVID-19 pandemic, without your consent, vaccination was forced and mandated against students who applied for universities and against many employees while the antibody retention rate was extremely low. If AI is mandated for your email systems or your operating systems, it means that intellectual properties will be legitimately stolen without your consent.
AI’s knowledge came from the previously stolen intellectual properties. AI is the greatest excuse and instrument to spy on your devices in order to search and steal intellectual properties. AI is one step further from cloud services which were designed to access your personal information and intellectual properties. AI is a new method to trick people, who refuse to use free storage services, into losing their intellectual properties by default because they likely fail to oppose AI in time.
Musk will have to oppose the AI development not because he is not on good terms with Altman but because all civilians will lose their intellectual properties to all AIs across the world. The war against AI is the war to protect your intellectual properties and your jobs. Remember that AI is Artificial Intelligence. It means that the intelligence is not authentic. In other words, the intelligence came from biological intelligent beings in the first place.
The use of AI should be limited to court proceedings where judicial prejudice often misleads cases resulting in unnecessary legal fees and delay.