Presidential Qualification Tests
For Driving Nations

By Jane Lim | October 10, 2024

Qualification Tests For Driving Nations Are Needed For Presidential Candidates And Voters.

If RFK Jr. and Trump boost the sales of Bitcoins, the global economy will plunge into the poverty level not only because US dollars are still the fiat currency in 2024 but also because your local currency has become depreciated by Bitcoin speculations.  They should boost the economy by making and selling real products and real services on which all humans thrive not by the virtual money speculations.

If your presidents do not understand that no countries can issue currencies exceeding their GNPs, they will continue to indebt your countries forever until your countries are sold to foreign governments through Treasury bonds (national debts).  This has been a long lasting battle between your presidents and Rothschild banking family who is the biggest FRB shareholder as well as the founder of Israel.

The financial achievement (the lowered inflation rate) of President Javie Milei of Argentina does not outweigh his mistake of boosting Bitcoin speculations especially after Argentina adopted US dollars as its national currency.  Milei is depreciating the US dollars by appreciating Bitcoins, making the citizens, who do not own Bitcoins, poorer than before.

If your presidents advocate and approve cryptocurrency speculations, they are not qualified to represent your best interests.  They will bankrupt your countries through the hyper-inflations.

If your presidents believe that money can be sold to make profits or your presidents  support Ponzi scheme, if your presidential candidates boost up Bitcoin speculations by flattering Bitcoin investors (Bitcoin donors) in order to get more votes and in order to increase the values of Bitcoins that they have already received in the form of  donations, they are not qualified to become your presidents.  They will deny the hyper-inflations that they have caused to your countries always.

If Tom drops an axe from an airplane during Tom’s tenure and if it falls down to a jogger during Bill’s tenure, who is liable for the damage?  Tom or Bill?  Who caused inflation by issuing an executive order to shut down factories in order for bankers to make profits by QE, and in order for British COVID-19 patentee (lord of money) to sell COVID-19 byproducts such as vaccines?  Who had received Bitcoins prior to COVID-19 pandemic in order to make this possible?

Trump said that stimulus checks need to be $2,000 (2021, Yahoo Finance).  Trump requested for $1 trillion package which was divided by the two, $500 billion for direct payment to taxpayers and $500 billion in loans for businesses (March 18, 2020, NY Times).  These policies were designed to cause inflations through QE (government debt) which is a method to enrich bankers and to impoverish taxpayers.  However, Trump is taking advantage from uneducated supporters who do not understand how QE triggers the inflation about which Trump is ironically complaining to defeat the Democrats.  Is Tom not Trump and is Bill not Biden in this case?  

However, why did Biden follow Trump’s policy in terms of vaccination and lockdown?  Unless Trump and Biden had been taking orders from the same directors, Biden’s policy could not have been the same.  This may be exactly what you can expect when Harris is elected in 2024 in terms of the life-threatening events such as pandemics or wars.

If the majority of voters are not intelligent enough to understand what prevents inflations or pandemics or whether they should be vaccinated or not, the entire nation is destined to make bad decisions always because fools can choose only fools.  How can preschoolers elect their principals?  If preschoolers can grant doctor degrees, they do not need to enter into elementary schools.   Instead of voting for doctors or presidents, they can elect themselves to be the doctors or presidents in that case.  Abraham Lincoln’s statement, “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” does work only if those people are educated.  Copernicus’ heliocentrism was opposed by geocentrism of the Roman Catholic Church. Galilei was imprisoned at the pleasure of the inquisition, by the Roman Catholic Church, for the Roman Catholic Church.

Before vaccinated people died from COVID-19 vaccines, if they had been educated about what antibody retention rate is, they could have calculated how many people would be infectious if they were vaccinated.  They could have saved themselves from the acute infection by refusing to be vaccinated if they had been educated about what antibodies are, and about who can or who cannot produce antibodies to the pathogens injected by vaccines.   If they had known ingredients of vaccines and ingredients of antibodies, they could have rejected the vaccination during COVID-19 pandemic.  They could have also known which presidents have deceived their citizens during the pandemic.

This equal intelligence level is needed for presidential candidates and voters.  When one hand wants to clap while the other hand does not want to, there is no way to applaud by clapping.  When citizens want to avoid bankruptcies while their presidents take advices  from bankers, there is no way to survive sovereign defaults because FRB shareholders are not loyal to the US and your nations.

What if religious voters elect fanatic presidents who may cause economic damages to the religious voters?  What if the presidents treat religious voters as sinners and treat themselves as God?  If voters do not know what causes inflation, how can they avoid candidates who will cause inflation?

In the near future, voters must take multiple tests to be qualified as voters.  Likewise, presidential candidates must take multiple tests to be qualified as candidates.  If you want to operate a car, you should have a license.  Likewise, if you want to operate a nation, you should have a license.  

If the majority of the US citizens had been educated in 1776, they would have opposed the FRB that authorized private bankers (Jesuit-operated shareholders) to control the money supply and increase their wealth through national debts such as Treasury bonds.   They could have prevented hidden taxations; bubbles in stock markets, home markets and monetary markets; inflations; and lethal weapons (interest rates) to make you lose your homes without your faults.

Only qualified voters can elect qualified presidents.  After you allowed a thief to sleep over a night at your place, will you blame the thief for a theft?  Whose fault is it?  You, the thief or both?  After you elect a thief or a fool as your president, will you blame your president or yourself?

In August 2024, RFK Jr. said, “If I am elected, I will sign an executive order directing the Department of Justice and the US Marshals to transfer the approximately 200,000 Bitcoins held by the US government to the US Treasury and I will sign another executive order directing the US Treasury to purchase 550 Bitcoins daily until the US has built a reserve of, at least, 4 million Bitcoins.”  This subject can change your votes depending on the answers to the question who will be the next Treasury secretary, whether RFK Jr. is the Bitcoin investor, and whether RFK Jr. knows that Bitcoins cause hyper-inflations.  

Under the conditions above, if Elon Musk donates $45 million monthly in Bitcoins to Trump, nobody knows whether Trump received a bribe or not.  Therefore, should crypto donations be legal or not?  Since the value of the donated Bitcoins increases by speculation, Bitcoin investors should be disqualified from presidential elections.  Nobody should be allowed to abuse the position to increase the value of their investments.  Presidential candidates, who want to  mandate school vaccination, should also be disqualified if they have ever accepted suggestions or donations from vaccine investors such as Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci.

According to Genesis 5 of the Bible, without vaccination, Adam lived for 930 years, his son Seth 912 years and Seth’s son 910 years.  Viruses emerged around 4 billion years ago.  It means that Adam’s family lived with viruses without vaccination.   Christian presidential candidates would not hold the Bible to trick Christian voters into voting for the tricksters and into vaccination if they understood the Bible, Genesis 5 and the history of viruses.